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Refund Policy 1

If you have any issues with items in your delivery, please note that Anything Instantly does not facilitate returns but can offer a refund for missing, damaged, or melted products.

Refunds cannot be facilitated at the time of delivery through an Anything Instantly delivery partner. Please always inspect your orders right away and reach out to Anything Instantly customer service within 24 hours of receiving your order for assistance. Reach out to us via email ( or chat with us at


sadsadasda's Flaming Hot Fries 5.25oz

Takis Fuego Hot Chili Pepper & Lime Tortilla Chips 4oz

Andy Capp's Hot Fries 3oz

Cheetos Flamin' Hot Puffs 8oz

Cheetos Crunchy Xxtra Flamin' Hot 8.5oz

Funyuns Onion Flavored Rings 6oz